Making the decision to place your baby for adoption can be difficult, and you may have lots of questions. Every adoption journey is uniquely special, just like each birth mother and adoptive family. We will be by your side to walk you through every step of the adoption process – but you will always be the one in control. You will decide on your plan, and you will choose the adoptive family.
Building a Plan
What are your dreams and desires for your child? Our team will help you create a personal adoption plan that includes choosing an adoptive family and deciding how much communication you’d like to have with your child once the adoption process is complete. We will also determine what assistance and support (both emotional and financial) you will need throughout the adoption process.
Finding the Right Family
We are a licensed adoption agency so all of our prospective parents are screened and pre-approved. Our caring counselors will provide you with profiles of loving families who are waiting to adopt a child. If desired, you can meet with them in person. You make the choices, and you decide what works best for you. You are giving a precious gift to a family, and your peace of mind is incredibly important to us.
Giving Birth
Once labor has begun, we will be by your side to give you all the support you may need. If you would like the adoptive family present, we can arrange for them to come to the hospital. After delivery, you may hold and feed the baby if you wish. You can choose how much contact you would like, and we will make sure all goes according to your wishes. Friends and family may visit you in the hospital as well.
Making a Final Decision
Under Florida law, a birth mother may sign the final legal consent for adoption anytime after 48 hours or upon leaving the hospital following the birth of her baby. You can change your mind about placing your baby any time before the final consent form is signed. If you ultimately decide to parent your child, we will assist you in locating the community resources available to help you.
Heading Home
Once you are discharged from the hospital and all of the final legal documents are signed, you may go home. The baby will be released to go home with the adoptive parents. You will not be required to go before a judge or appear in court.
After the Adoption
We will continue to give you support and counseling for as long as you desire after the birth of your baby. We understand that this decision may have been difficult for you, and that giving birth is an incredible feat – and we recognize the sacrifice you are making to give your child a better life. While you are getting yourself back on your feet, Caring Choices can provide you with financial assistance up to six weeks postpartum.